The entire month of May has been pretty much dedicated to one specific highlight, which is jumping though the necessary hoops of buying a house. A house! A house in the
Huon Valley! This is a brave new world for this little chicken and I think I've been doing a great job pretending like I understand a single thing that I'm signing my life away to and poker-facedly assuring my bank manager that yes, I will absolutely not be spending more than $100 a month on wine for like, ever *cough*.
However, I'm slightly reassured by the quietly stated 'it's a really nice house' from everyone who's had anything to do with this process so far and have been diligently assigning all of my latent associated anxieties to my 2am dream state. Plus the building inspector didn't condemn it on sight so all going well I expect to be joining the mortgage club within the next few days and will hopefully be moved in just in time for the
Huon Valley mid-winter fest.
Without further ado, here's a short photo tour of my soon to be very own half acre of rural Tassie;
Strawberry patch included |
Medlars! Alongside apricot, almond, hazlenut, olive, peach, apple, cherry and pear trees |
Some rustic finds in the chook shed |
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