With summer wrapped up, I've started getting the autumn and winter crops in. Early in the learning curve so I'm still figuring out the basics of temperate climate gardening.
The only slightly productive tomatoes had to be pulled up, I couldn't wait around any longer for the last of them to ripen as I needed the space* (see below). Still, I learned a few useful lessons about how to improve next summer.
I don't have a proper composting system in place yet - currently restricted to a newly started worm compost setup for food scraps and an interim 'shove it all in a wire cage and forget about it' approach to garden waste, so I'm still having to buy bags of prepared soil.
Leek, kale, radish, brocolli and cabbage have been planted in preparation for the cooler months ahead. I've put out my strawberry runners and mounted my small but growing collection onto a sheltered sunny wall.
The persimmons are almost ready but the gangly resident fig that I had high hopes for looks like it isn't thriving well enough to produce anything more than a mass of small stunted green fruit. Disappointing. Unsure if it's something I can fix or if it's just in a bad spot. I'll try out some extra TLC.
*I later learned from my grandfather that hanging the whole uprooted upside down in a warm dry place will ripen any lingering green tomatoes - I'll know for next year...
Green tomato chutney! (of course)
I had 600g of unripe tomatoes, enough for 2 jars. So delicious. It will not last long. At all.
Field days and produce markets; Autumn in the Huon Valley is the place to be...
Some of my best finds from the tip shop and charity shops from the month, all of this came to about $35. Mostly clothes as I'm lacking winter wear, but with some newly available bookshelf space, lots of hunting grounds, and winter around the corner it's time to reboot the book scout! Also picked up some Fowlers preserving jars.
Look at these succulents. Just look at them. This is 6 weeks growth after repotting in early February.
An Utterly Impartial History of Britain bought this to read while I was in the UK - better late than never.
The Omnivore's Dilemma Re-reading. Started this ages ago but put it down for too long. I was enjoying it but was a bit burned out with leisure-time reading last year, mostly because of work. Giving it another go.
I finally got my internet reconnected after a 3 month hiatus - found 'Searching for Sugar Man' on demand and gave it a watch (late to this party I know). Just wow. Listening to Cold Fact and Coming from Reality. Amazing. Feels like it's music I have always known but never met.
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