For context: articles like this
one that I read this morning are
less interesting to my mind for a supposed ‘slip’ by the Japanese Fisheries
Minister where he openly admits whaling is not happening for scientific
purposes (but it’s their whale-meat catered party and they’ll hunt if they want
to) but rather the reason behind why they think the rest of the world are
hypocrites that should mind their own business. By the way, ‘scientific whaling’ is just
a loose term for destructive population monitoring (apparently DNA samples aren’t enough and it’s just better off to kill the whole thing because science). In short they need
to kill some whales, so they know when there’s enough whales, so they can kill lots
more of them again.
Before you have time to develop a headache over that
logic bubble – let’s talk anthropomorphism (that thing we do where we
think everything is kinda like us cos we rock the most and yes my dog thinks that diamante collar is just divine).
Now I don’t know about you, but I have an on-again, off-again accepting
relationship with my own internal levels of hypocrisy (and of course we all
harbour a little hypocrisy boat in our minds that bobs about merrily in the Bay
of Double Standards). When confronted with a reality-check spotlight shining on what could feasibly be called 'cherry picking details to suit some doe-eyed tree hugging hippy ideal of utopian
splendour', then I like to have enough facts in my arsenal to back it up and
grind said riposte like bones for my bread (thereby ensuring they will never
call me for a second date. Ever.)
Anyway, whales. The counter-argument from the fisheries minister is that Koreans eat dogs,
Australians eat kangaroos etc – I’m assuming this is pointing out that we’re
all guilty of eating the poster children for cute and charismatic species – so why
should whales be any different? Are we discriminating against species purely on
emotive levels to fit our cultural ideals of what is right? It does seem that, as a general
rule, we are quite hypocritical about the animals we decide it’s ok to eat and
the ones it’s not. And those distinctions seem to be quite arbitrary. And we do
get up in knee-jerky arms about the intelligent ones, the cute ones, the iconic
ones while the creepy, crawly, ugly or inert ones...meh, not so much. In fact
the recent argument that certain species should be afforded extra rights (pigs,
dolphins) over other animals (sorry cows and ducks, you lose) strikes me as just reinforcing the idea that problem-solving
intelligence is the measure of all things and consequently more worthy of
ethical respect... because we have problem-solving intelligence (though
are possibly not yet quite intelligent enough to realise that intelligence can manifest
in other ways).
Well, this has totally got away from me and I haven’t even
got to the science stuff yet. Bear with me. So why shouldn’t whales be hunted
any longer? Apart from the fact that they’re awesome and smart and we totally want to swim with them because they have magical powers? Well, all rainbow-pooping
sentiment aside there are a number of things about whales that mean they’re
poor candidates for harvesting.
First, we have to consider the fact that
globally, whale populations have been pushed to the brink and will take decades
to recover, if ever (the way we’re going). Not so long ago we were all out Moby
Dicking it out on the high seas to such a point that populations of many whale species
crashed. The international moratorium on whaling only came into full force in
1986, and many still remain on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. This is because whales are a long lived and
slow breeding species (in ecological terms they are known as k-selected
species; slow reproduction, long gestation and rearing, few offspring, long
lifespans). As a general rule k-selected species make poor candidates for harvesting – even less so the fewer offspring they have and the longer they
take to raise them.
The target of modern day whaling, however, is the more
relatively abundant Minke whale (how much more abundant is unclear as nobody
seems to have a decent handle on how many there are but they estimate maybe 800,000ish)
except here’s a few points
a) though globally dispersed there is little information on their
migration patterns,
b) they don’t seem to really know where they go in winter,
c) there are now 3 known subspecies of Northern Minke whale
(not yet assessed)
d) in the 1990s they classified a new species of Minke (the
Antarctic or Southern Minke).
e) now the Antarctic Minke – don’t know so much about that
either. According to IUCN, their population ‘appears’ to be in the hundreds of thousands.
It also ‘appears’ to have declined by 60% since the 1970s, and they’re still
working out the reason why (bad data or are they actually declining? Or a
combination? In the meantime let’s call
them Data Deficient and assume there’s enough to carry on some low level
harvesting tralala). One thing they do know is this decline is Minke Whale specific. Also,
they don’t know where they go in winter either (clearly over-winter hiding is
some kind of whale conspiracy). Oh, and there seems to be some genetic
distinction between the ones on the Indian side, and the ones on the Pacific
side...(isn’t it great how the whalers are killing so many so we can figure out
WTF these enigmatic bastards are up to? Oh, no wait – they’re not doing that).
But why is the Minke Whale population so much more than the
other whales? Considering how relatively 'common' they are they must have been doing
something right these last few centuries, right? Hmm, not so much. A big part
of the reason is that historically they have been largely ignored by the whaling industry (who
favoured that larger almost-all-gone-now species) until recently. So the
assertion that eating whale meat is a cultural practice clearly overlooks the type of whale that has been hunted (not Minke). Well maybe a horse is a horse of
course of course (even when they say it’s beef) and one whale is very much like
another when it comes to ‘tradition’. And maybe tradition is flexible enough that one location is very much like another when it comes to hunting (it bears mentioning that the first
Japanese whaling ships didn’t enter Antarctic waters until the 1930s).
Another couple of additional points are to do with oceanic health. Not only is the overall food chain starting to form disturbingly weak spots with increasing oceanic pollution in all its weird and wonderful forms, but whales - along with many other marine species - are subject to growing pressures from ocean traffic, noise pollution and unknown effects of climate change. Without a full ecological picture of what is going on, is it really so wise to assume any level of hunting is sustainable?
Another couple of additional points are to do with oceanic health. Not only is the overall food chain starting to form disturbingly weak spots with increasing oceanic pollution in all its weird and wonderful forms, but whales - along with many other marine species - are subject to growing pressures from ocean traffic, noise pollution and unknown effects of climate change. Without a full ecological picture of what is going on, is it really so wise to assume any level of hunting is sustainable?
In any case, regardless of tradition, whales are not a
nation-specific wild species. They are a global species, and as such need to be
managed according to a global consensus. In the case of counter-arguments
presented for kangaroo and dogs – well, differing cultural norms do apply but
both of these examples deal with a nation-specific or domesticated animals (i.e. I doubt Asian nations are on a mass poodle hunting exercise in the
backwaters of Essex, somehow). The environmental movement is much further advanced than it was in the mid 80s and issues-based real-time media sharing is honing in more and more on controversial activities. So the case of cultural respect needs to be firmly
lobbed back into the Japanese court, who are flying in the face of
international sentiment in areas where they have no traditional basis to be. Tradition
is not an immutable concept, after all, if it was we’d all still be tugging
forelocks and trading goats for women. It moves with the times, with changing
attitudes and with changing circumstances. Traditionally, human culture is
flexible like that.
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