A funny thing happened; the more I sorted, and the more I sold or donated, the more I realised that there was a hell of a lot of 'stuff' in my life. Probably slightly less than the average Westerner as I don't own many gadgets, but still I'd somehow gathered what seemed like a lot of moss. This was surprising as I've always considered myself as not owning that much. There's nothing like packing it down into a few boxes to challenge that perception.
Returning home I was reunited with another collection of long neglected possessions left in parent storage. Finally consolidating everything in one space was somehow both a relief and a burden. At last I had a complete inventory of my footprint on this earth, and once again I was faced with another lot of stuff to sort out that I wasn't entirely sure why I was still hanging on to. According to many internet voices out there, the act of decluttering can make a person feel more energetic, less stressed, more motivated and effective. I certainly got a lot of that return myself, as it forces you to question why you are hanging onto certain objects, which in some cases don't even have positive associations.
As a result of that process, that will be ongoing for a while yet, I have made plans for my 2013 project (planned from the year's outset rather than something that just happened along the way). While I was going through old personal effects, I came across several things - sentimental to a degree - that were not worth either keeping or handing on to someone else. That is to say, essentially junk. If it could be upcycled I did it, if it could be recycled I did it...but some things didn't fall into either category. These things were invariably hard plastic, bric-a-brac from another era that had no collector value, no sentimental value, and no value other than as landfill in the making. At around the same time, I'd started to really sit up and pay attention to what was happening with plastic waste on a global level. Watching documentaries, videos, tuning into the voice of a no-more-plastic campaign I really saw for the first time how much dominance it has in our lives today. An on-again/off-again beach cleaner, I started incorporating regular beach cleans into my daily walks. Darwin beaches are blessed for being relatively clean, but this isn't a situation reflected the world over, and not one beach on our planet is free from plastic debris. Though I tried to avoid non-recyclable plastic and make sure to bring-a-bag, I have still been responsible for generating my fair share of soft plastic wrappers, squeezy tubes, plastic lids and other paraphenalia into landfill. Items that will live on long past my own life.

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