First photos with my new digital reflex (Nikon D50), at a gourmet chocolate shop in Lille.


Some shots from that 'accidental' 50 round trip cycle around the Baie de Somme, including the Parc de Marquenterre


Originally uploaded by Nyx.
Hats for Dogs
Hello digital internauts! Been a while, but my lazy ass bone has been playing up again.

So, y'know, it's been hot. And if it's not the heatwave, the hezbollah or Zidane's headbutt it's not news. And heat means a couple of major changes here in France - first is the transformation of old people into sort of geriatric houseplants (have you misted Madame Tartempion yet this morning?), the second being the bone melting epidemic amongst small dogs transforming them into a canine rag mutts.

This weekend past was July the 14th, which, like most historical celebrations in any society around the world, means a chance to drink more alcohol. I went to some northern beaches in the pas de calais region, soaked up the faux tudor and tacky souvenir shops, watched dogs get carried and witnessed some nightmarish toddlers face meets chocolate icecream incidents.